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GILOY JUICE (1000 ml)
Price : Rs.600.00.
DP Price : 480.00.
BV'S Per Piece : 211.00.

Benefits;- Khs super premium giloy juice benefits in to give a boost to your immune system stronger naturally, Giloy juice is considered effective in treating fever, helps in managing diabetes, makes your respiratory system, stronger and is even known for its anti-ageing properties, It helps in making your digestive system stronger and will even help in improving your overall health, Giloy is a healthy stress buster which will make you feel better and refreshed. Each 10ml contains giloy that is tinospora cordifolia 9.6ml. Indication: Useful in fever, rheumatism, gout, jaundice, anemia, urinary disorders and immune deficiency.

Dosage;- 30ml twice a day with warm water. Mrning bfore meal and at night before meal.

